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精选!Intangible Cultural Heritage in Guizhou: Experience the Living History and Culture|贵州非遗: 感受活着的历史与文化

来源:来源:当代先锋网    时间:2023-05-09 12:23:42

Dong song, Miao ancient song, horsetail embroidery, Miao embroidery, Dong embroidery ... when you walk into the colorful Guizhou, the intangible cultural heritage will make you amazed.



The intangible cultural heritage in Guizhou, some are lively festivals, some are exquisite handicrafts, some are long-standing national ancient songs, some are moving songs and dances, some are gentle tunes, some are strong martial arts, and some are even delicious dishes on the table ......


As a large province of intangible cultural heritage, the intangible cultural heritage of each region in Guizhou has distinctive local characteristics, clearly imprinted with local history and culture, and subtly revealing the results of mutual exchange and influence.


When you enter Guizhou, intentionally or unintentionally, you can always see and experience the intangible cultural heritage, which can make you fascinated.


Whether you come or not, the intangible cultural heritageof Guizhou is always waiting for you.



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